In the last three weeks, four anti-immigrant bills have undergone different levels of reviews and votes. Each received enough support in the Judiciary committees. Therefore, the bills can be scheduled for a debate in either the House of Representatives or the Senate chamber.
We’re in trouble.
Today, Republicans control both chambers and if any of the bills are called for a debate and vote, we can assume they would receive enough support to become laws. A version of each bill must pass in both chambers before it gets sent to Gov. Reynolds for her signature and implementation.
If scheduled, we would have to convince the majority of the 100 House Representatives and 50 Senators to vote against these. This year, 64 House Representatives and 34 Senators are Republicans.
Therefore, we must prevent these from being scheduled for a debate. To do so, we must contact House Speaker Grassley and Senate Leader Whitver to not call these for a vote this legislative session.
Another way to add pressure and gather opposition is by getting employers of immigrants to call Speaker Grassley and Senate Leader Whitver. These outreach and mobilization efforts must happen quickly. Once the bills are scheduled, we cannot turn back time.
Description of bills and their location.
Bills in the Iowa House of Representatives:
- HF 2112: aims people with charge a class “C” felony for driving an undocumented person in the state.
- HF 2320: excludes undocumented students from In-state tuition at public universities and community colleges.
- HSB 703 (companion bill to SF 2340): would allow Iowa’s law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws.
Bills in the Iowa Senate:
- SF 108: would require Iowa businesses to use the federal E-Verify program.
- SF 2340: would allow Iowa’s law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws.
Contact information for Chamber Leader.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone number: 515.281.3221
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone number: 515.281.3560