Alley Cats Boxing Club Holds Fundraiser


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In small backyard garage gym in Moline, a few teenage boys are striking punching bags, doing one-arm push-ups, jumpingalley_cat_boxing_club rope and building up a good sweat.



They are gearing up for “Saturday Night at the Fights,” an annual fundraising event for the Alley Cat Boxing Club in Moline on Oct. 13.



The fundraiser – scheduled at Moline Community Centre, 1615 5th Ave. – is a $5 boxing show that promises to bring in fighters from ages 8 to 30. They will range from lightweights (50 pounds) to heavyweights (230 pounds).


Jeff Perez, owner of Alley Cats, said 18 teams will be coming from all over Ill. and Iowa, and competing in different fights.


Four boxers are expected to compete from Alley Cat Boxing Club, which has produced an impressive share of state and national amateur boxers since it opened in 1998.



“For a small club and limited number, we’ve been successful,” said Perez, whose club has seen about 375 kids over the years. And Perez hopes that success will continue for the club – a member of the U.S. Boxing Association – through the funds raised at the Oct. 13 event. Proceeds to the event will go toward the club to purchase bags, headgears, and related boxing gear, as well as pay for traveling expenses and food during competitions.


The event also will have raffles for 50/50 drawings and merchandise from Title Boxing in Lenexa, Kan., and Quad-City Advanced Auto stores.
Perez, who is assisted by Mike Wilcher as a coach, said the kids pay $35 annually to belong to the club.



“It’s cheap. It’s $5. It’s a way to support the community,” Perez said of the upcoming event. “It’s a family function. There are girls (who box) out there, and they’re pretty good.”

“I like to see it packed.”

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